Free lecture series on education, citizenship & democracy (Zwolle)

"Young people are not interested in politics." "Today's youngsters no longer vote." We hear such statements regularly. But is that really the case? What is the current state of support for democratic values among young people? And what role does education play in this?

After a successful and well-attended lecture series at ProDemos in The Hague last year (read the reports here), we now want to offer this opportunity to education professionals in the eastern part of the country. Therefore, ProDemos, the University of Amsterdam, and the Province of Overijssel are collaborating to organise a lecture series of three sessions in September and October 2019 in Zwolle.

In this lecture series, speakers from academia, policy, practice, and politics combine their insights. Renowned academics from the fields of political science, sociology, and educational science share their knowledge of the current state of affairs and engage in discussions with people from the field of (educational) practice, politics, and the public.

The lectures

  • 23 September: prof. dr. Herman van de Werfhorst 
    Citizen or merchant?
    The education system is expected to fulfill various societal expectations: preparing for the labor market, socialising independent citizens, and promoting social mobility. But is the Dutch education system well-equipped enough to promote these outcomes?
  • 30 September: prof. dr. Anne Bert Dijkstra
    The state of citizenship education
    How is Dutch citizenship education currently doing? What do studies show? What are effective ways to promote citizenship education?
  • 7 October: prof. dr. Tom van der Meer
    Democratic values under pressure?
    In the final lecture, Tom van der Meer critically examines whether democratic values are under pressure. What evidence is available for this thesis? And what exactly are the core values necessary for democracy?

Practical information

Report: Development of democratic values

Over the past few months, we have been busy with data collection. We are currently in the final stages and hope to have the first school reports ready by April and be able to present the initial results. To be continued!

In addition, we have also been working on a report about the academic literature on values of democratic rule, the role of socialisation in this context, and the influence of inequalities in attachment to these values.

This report is now available for download.

Questions about this report can be addressed to

Lecture Series: Democracy & Citizenship

In 2018, together with ProDemos, we hosted a lecture series on democracy and citizenship. In this highly successful lecture series, professors, policymakers, organisations, and teachers discussed the state of affairs in the Netherlands regarding support for democratic values and citizenship. Understanding that some might not be able to travel to The Hague on a Monday evening, we are making the reports and podcasts available to everyone.

Below you can find the summaries, as well as the podcasts of the lecture series:

  1. Prof. Dr. Tom van der Meer: Democratic values under pressure?
  2. Prof. Dr. Herman van de Werfhorst: The role of the Dutch educational system
  3. Prof. Dr. Ellen Claes, Diversion, & Dr. Hessel Nieuwelink: Controversial topics in the classroom
  4. Prof. Dr. Geert ten Dam, Christianne Mattijssen, & Dr. Bram Eidhof: The state of citizenship education in the Netherlands

We will keep you informed about any potential follow-ups.

Happy holidays: an update

Our data collection is still in full swing. Together with 12 student assistants, we travel with our suitcases from east to west and from north to south to administer questionnaires at a tremendous variety of schools and educational levels.

It's been a wonderful experience, and over time, we are discovering more and more how privileged we are to gain a unique insight into the differences and similarities between regions, schools, classes, educational levels, and students. Conversations with school leaders, team leaders, and teachers provide a deeper understanding of the strengths and challenges of citizenship education and teaching itself, while large amounts of data flow to us via tablets.

In addition, we have successfully organised a lecture series at ProDemos, of which the reports and podcasts will soon be available on this website. This year, we will visit 10 more schools, and then it is time for a well-deserved vacation before we continue visiting schools. After completing the data collection, we will focus on the school reports.

Happy holidays, and we look forward to the new year.


Free Lecture Series at ProDemos (Free Registration)

"Young people are not interested in politics." "Today's youngsters no longer vote." We often hear such statements. But why is that, and is it really true? And what role does education play in this? 🎓

This autumn, in collaboration with ProDemos, we are hosting the lecture series "Democracy and Citizenship: From Science to the Classroom" to find answers to these questions.

What does this look like? 

In the first lecture on Monday 12 November, Professor Tom van der Meer critically examines whether democratic values are under pressure. What evidence is there for this claim, and what exactly are the core values necessary for democracy? Read more about the first lecture.

In the second lecture we will look at the role of the Dutch educational system. Society expects education to assume various responsibilities, but is this possible? And how is the current education system doing? How do we perform compared to other countries? The lecture will take place on Monday 19 November and will be given by Professor of Sociology Herman van de WerfhorstRead more about the second lecture.

The third lecture on 26 November focuses on practice. Professor Ellen Claes will explore the school and classroom climate during this evening. She will particularly emphasize the importance of an open climate for discussing citizenship education. Afterward, Diversion will share their own practical experiences on how to address controversial topics in the classroom. Read more about the third lecture.

The final lecture will take place on Monday 10 December. During this evening, together with Professor of Educational Sciences Geert ten Dam, we will examine the current state of citizenship education. What do we actually know about the citizenship competences of young people? And how can education contribute to them? Read more about the fourth and final lecture.

The lectures will be moderated by Jerome Scheltens (lectures 1, 3 & 4) and Iftin Abokor (lecture 2).

Practical information

Finally! The start of our data collection

Dear all,

Today, Monday 8 October, marks the start of an important and exciting period for DAPDV.  Tomorrow, data collection will begin. As seen in the photos, the past period has mainly been focused on installing the tablets on which we will administer the questionnaire, testing the questionnaire on these tablets, and working out the logistics. How do we get 100 tablets to a different school every day? We also started wondering how we could charge this many tablets, what the best means of transportation is, and who needs to be present at which school and when.

All the tablets are ready for use as we speak. Blisss software has designed a beautiful questionnaire for us, which we are very proud of and has been thoroughly tested. We have also hired 12 capable student assistants who will travel throughout the Netherlands to administer the questionnaires at our schools.

We have purchased MIFI devices that allow us to administer the questionnaires online in a secure manner, and an installation will be set up for charging 100 tablets simultaneously.

In short, we are ready!

Today, on Monday 8 October, we will continue with the final touches for a bit. Exciting! But we are looking forward to the upcoming period!


DAPDV     – Frank

Job Opening: Student Assistants

Position: Data Collection - 1st year of secondary schools for the Dutch Adolescent Panel on Democratic Values

Hours:           Variable
Language:     Dutch
Duration:      1-3 months
Start date:    20-09-2018
End date:      31-12-2018 (variable)
Compensation: €10 to €12.50 per hour based on educational level

 Job Description:
We offer you the opportunity to collect data from schools starting in October for the research project Dutch Adolescent Panel on Democratic Values (DAPDV). The project is coordinated by Prof. Tom van der Meer (Political Science), Prof. Geert ten Dam (Educational Sciences and Chairman of the Board), and Herman van de Werfhorst (Sociology). The project is commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) and conducted in collaboration with ProDemos, the Netherlands Institute for Social Research, and the University of Amsterdam.

 We are looking for proactive students who want to assist us with large-scale data collection for a national study on democratic values, socialization, politics, and citizenship. Alone or with other students and researchers, you will visit secondary schools throughout the Netherlands to administer questionnaires in the 1st year classes.

 You will ensure good organisation in the classroom, answer students' and teachers' questions, occasionally give a brief presentation about the research and introduce the questionnaire, and then ensure that the tablets are returned to the University of Amsterdam. Depending on your year of study and program, it may also be possible to assist in writing school reports and an overview report on the state of democratic values in the Netherlands. 


  • Fluent in Dutch
  • Possession of a weekly public transportation pass is a plus
  • Proactive and positive attitude towards teachers and students
  • Responsibility to fulfill commitments
  • Available for at least 1 day per week for travel
  • Not currently employed by the University of Amsterdam
  • Geen ander contractueel dienstverband bij de UvA

Employment Conditions:
You will work on a declaration basis, earning €10 to €12.50 per hour depending on your year of study and program.

If you are interested in this position and would like to help with our data collection starting in October, please email us at Please include your year of study and program in your email.

The questionnaire, a pilot round and approaching schools

An update from the Dutch Adolescent Panel on Democratic Values:

Currently, we are busy developing and improving the questionnaire that we intend to administer to selected group of schools' 1st-year classes this coming fall. Last Friday, we had the opportunity to test our questionnaire for the first time with young people from VMBO, which was particularly enlightening for us. Not only did it reveal the challenges of our questionnaire, but the enthusiasm and knowledge with which these young people discussed politics and societal issues were truly inspiring. In the coming period, we will incorporate this feedback into the questionnaire and hopefully present the revised version to another group of young people.

Besides enhancing the questionnaire, we are currently reaching out to schools to participate in our research project. To obtain a comprehensive understanding of the state of democratic values among young people, we hope for a high response rate from all regions of the Netherlands. At the moment, several schools have enthusiastically agreed to collaborate, but we hope for many more.

We will get back to work now. New updates on the project will follow soon!

Adolescent Panel (1)

On this page, we will keep you informed about the developments in this research, and we will regularly post updates on the progress of the project. We will also notify you about interesting events and occasionally share a blog post from someone involved in democratic values, politics, and schools.

We are currently in the process of sampling schools. This means that we are attempting to randomly select schools in the Netherlands. However, we also keep in mind that there are enough differences between schools. For instance, we aim to include not only large or medium-sized cities, but also small villages.

Once this is completed and we are satisfied with the sample, we will send letters to the schools to inform them about what we are working on and to ask if they would be willing to participate. We sincerely hope for their enthusiastic cooperation!